Darryl - Project Live

Living Independently and Valuing Empowerment (Project LIVE) is a program designed to work with 41 chronically homeless individuals. These individuals experience severe mental health conditions and chronic substance use. Project LIVE follows the Housing First Model, which focuses on placing clients into immediate housing and providing the support systems needed to sustain stable housing.

Clients like Darryl are assisted with ongoing monthly rental payment, utility assistance, food assistance and transportation (bus pass). Home visit supports are also provided to assist residents with their daily activities. Our clients also get assistance with obtaining social security or employment assistance, along with mental health and substance use counseling. As Darryl puts it, "being back stable again gives you a sense of pride, a sense of being a man and being able to face reality again." Since Project LIVE started, Darryl and many other families have been completely stabilized and are now living independently. Darryl has transitioned into our Workforce Development program to learn new job and employment readiness skills. He has also become a speaker and mentor for clients in both programs and enjoys giving back.


Milano - Veteran Services

